Primary Elections Wisconsin Edition

G'day Mates, Today marks off the Wisconsin Primary Elections. It is an important day to go out and voice your opinions. Unfortunately, many people do not care enough to go out and exercise their freedom to vote. Some of the excuses I hear is that their vote will not count, or they do not know enough information about a particular candidate. On the contrary I do understand these concerns. The other issue is that the people who do care are confused about the new ID laws to vote. For example, a person was able to register to vote, but could not vote with the proper ID. This can be confusing and frustrating as well, but I think the way to eliminate this issue is to consider early voting. This process will eliminate any issues that may prevent them from voting. Hopefully, this solution will encourage people to vote for the elections in November. The reason why I vote because many people died and fought hard to have the freedom to vote. Throughout history, there has been numerous of battles to have people voice to be heard. Compared to many places in the World, people have no choice at all to choose their leader. In the United States, if a citizen favorite candidate did not get chosen, at least they have the ability to have a chance. My final thought:I think we wait too long to say something until it effects us directly. At that very moment things are too late, but it is never over. So go out and exercise your freedom to vote. Every vote and every person counts. If this does not help, then go out and be the positive role model. Society is a cruel and an ugly world ,but it only takes one person to start a positive ripple effect. Cheers and I voted, Lee IV
