Moving Out West

As the month of May comes to an end, I realize my move out west is approaching faster and faster. Months ago the days seemed long, but now things are getting surreal. Of course, I am going to embrace and enjoy my last summer in Milwaukee. This bitter sweet feeling is filled with curiosity, joy and great passion.

Many people has asked why I am moving out west? My response is why not? I created many friendships and met a lot of great people. At the end of the day I hope I can continue these relationships with them. These people has inspired me in many ways. Although people do not want me to leave, but I hope I can give them the extra opportunity to come visit me out west and seek new things.

In my mind I contemplate rather or not moving out west is for me? One of the hesitation is I may miss out on a relationship here. Another reason is financial risk and lastly I'll be the first one in my family to move far away. All of these questions are valid, but the only way to answer these questions is by pursuing and taking the risk. I've learn in the past, that I can not assume or predict my decisions based on being on the safe side. This is why it is important to learn about myself and challenge myself for the next level.

In another point of view, I have nothing to hold me back. I have no children, no relationship, and I have a job that is flexible in a way I can get up and go. Most of these issues may prevent people from uprooting to another location.  As the months gets closer, I will keep you updated on my journey out West. For now I have to buckle down to find a career, an apartment and possible roommates. Until then, I will catch you soon! As always Hakuna Matata!

Lee IV
